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Crimson is a SOLID Ruby male, with NO WHITE. He was born on Auguest 06th, 2018. He is ready to go to his new home on October 1st, 2018. Super calm puppies. Sire is a service dog!


"My name is CRIMSON.  I’m a SOLID Ruby Male, with NO WHITE." This little guy is sure to steal your heart. He can't wait to join his new family. Our Cavalier King Charlie Spaniel dogs and puppies are raised in our home and have never been in a kenneled environment. They have been handled daily since birth. They are an intelligent, adventurous, outgoing, gentle, and captivating young puppy who will bring to your home tons of loves for many years to come. I promise to provide not only a healthy, but also well socialized pre-spoiled puppy that will become a treasure for your family.



Past Litter

  • Cavailier King Charlie Spaniel

    All puppies will come with their dew claws removed. Their AKC Limited registration paperwork (All puppies Will be Spayed or Neutered before they leave our position, if they are a Blue-Eyed puppy.) (If said puppy not a required Spay or Neuter before they leave, then all puppies must be spayed or Neutered before there AKC Limited Registration paperwork is released.) They will also come with their health guarantee, health exam record from our vet, shot record.


    Customers for local pickup

    We require a minimum of $500.00 for normal colored or up to $1,000 for a blue-eyed, green-eyed, merle or chocolate puppies, non-refundable deposit for you to hold a single puppy (No exception). We will put “hold” sign on your puppy on our website. This deposit is not refundable under any circumstance. Your puppy can be picked up after 8 weeks old. The remaining balance must be paid in full upon pickup any time after 8 weeks old for normal colored and after 12 weeks old for blue-eyed, green-eyed, merle or chocolate puppies (each puppy’s birthdate posted on our website). Your puppy must be picked up (normaly colored puppies) with the remaining balance paid in full before your puppy reaches 9 weeks old for normal colored puppies and 10 weeks old for blue-eyed, green-eyed, merle or chocolate puppies. (Paid in full at 10 weeks then picked up at 12weeks) We reserve the right to cancel your order and re-sell the puppy if you miss your deadline.

    Customers for non-locals.

    Upon your request, we will ship your puppy. We require a minimum of $500.00 for normal colored or up to $1,000 for a blue-eyed, green-eyed, merle or chocolate puppies, non-refundable deposit for you to hold a single puppy (no exception). Please call us first and make payment arrangement for the deposit to hold a puppy. Upon your request we will hold the particular puppy on our website. However, if we don’t receive the fund after 5 business days, we reserve the right to cancel your order. All shipped puppies need the remaining balance paid in full including shipping by 7 weeks of age for normal colored puppies and 10 weeks of age for blue-eyed, green-eyed, merle or chocolate. In addition all of our puppies need to be shipped before the puppy reaches 9 weeks old for normal colored puppies and 13 weeks of age for blue-eyed, green-eyed, merle or chocolate puppies. We reserve the right to cancel your order and re-sell the puppy if you miss your deadline. For shipping instruction, please check “SHIPPING VIA DELTRA AIRLINES”.



    We may ship a puppy only via Delta Airlines or United Airlines for your local airport pickup. We only ship a puppy from our airport (Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport) to your airport. Please check availability of Delta Airline at your nearest airport. We don’t guarantee a certain flight time or date. The flight schedule may change if there is any weather issue(s). We will provide the Delta tracking number so that you can check the flight schedule prior to heading for your local airport to pick up your new puppy.


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